Okay, i dunno if there's sth wrong but i tink i cant upload a picture.
so, these few days i din blog la. Cuz i really dun feel like doin so. Things have been going downhill since last week i guess. I admit, i've lost, i couldn't keep up with the new SIMIN image. Ponned lesson today cuz i really couldn't take it. I mean, come on, with a time table so packed with lessons, anyone who don't feel stressed have NO LIFE. Okay, i think the main prob is, my class ppl have NO LIFE. At least huifeng's group is bustling with joy la, mine? MUGGERS!!
Anyway, i think i gotta b glad that i got all the more pro at teachin teachers lo.
So, how's my life in YJC? Interesting question. Sometimes i feel that i'm really enjoying it, cuz my friends are super funny la. But sometimes, i felt as if there's something missin. Hmm. Justina's enjoying it so much though, apparently, the guys there are a feast for her eyes. Haha! Let mi give you a run through about my friends.
1) Xuan Kai, tall, ex NPCC cadet, chung cheng high (yishun). *How to spell e school's name??* One thing i can have to mention, he is a PERFECTIONIST. All day long, he'll be borrowing correction tape from justina. Seriously la, someone get him a correction tape for his b dae lehz! He's seriously kinda retarded, funny in a serious way. I mean, got one time he started marching and doing 'limbo rock' at the same time la. Funny? yeah. He's always arguing with justina la.
2) Kenneth, basketball, catholic high & NOT tall. Kenneth is SUPER hokkien despite being pathetic in chinese. Okay, the ting abt kenneth is tt he's forever 'chiong-ing' off after lesson. I mean, it's gd to be efficient but he really really is CHIONG la. Like after lessons ended, i finish packing my bag only he's gone le la! Initially he's super dao tt kind but now ok le la, after all, i realise that he still got a sense of humour la. For eg, calling himself 'dua bei gong'. How weird is that?? I mean, this coming out of the mouth of a cat high student. Hmm. He met his match though, kenneth and elizabeth are forever quarreling too.
3) Elizabeth. Tall, slim, tanned, pasir ris sec. She's currently my rather good friend in class la. As in always hang out together. Kinda think of her as the candy supplier, LOL. Cuz she's always bringin goodies to school n sharing with us. So, she's a hard core soccer fan la, always chatting with alex about soccer. Haha. Darn suey gal, cuz apparently, a lot of teachers mispronounce her name, eg, 'alizabeth'/ 'eliza-bird'. Which i find really funny la, but a bit mean, keep laughin at her.
4) Alex. FAT, short, soccer player, 'majesty' sec?? Diz guy is a real ASS. Haha. Okay la, he's kinda like the guy that brightens up the day with his lame self lo. And he is the FIRST guy who 'suan' me until i'm juz.. .. speechless. He finds joy in imitating others, Mr Goh, Mr Lim, me and many others. However, if u're sad, Alex can really cheer you up, cuz he dun even have to do anything also look very funny le. And when he's eating, he'll have the 'i'm-so-fortunate-to-be-eating' look. I mean, he looks SUPER HAPPY when he's eating la!! Loads more to say abt him but running out of time!!
These are my better friends, those who always hang out with me. But i'm really surprised that we all can get along la. Cuz their culture seems so different from mine. Anyhow, i'm sure no matter where i go, i'll have to make new friends.
As the release of the 'O' level's results draw nearer, i find it harder and harder to leave these friends. Though we're only together for 3 weeks or so, i felt a connection to these people cuz they're really nice. Maybe they'll never be goin back to YJC, sad thought, but i'm sure i'll miss all of them. (assuming i'm stayin in YJ la).
I'll try to post more often but that is subjected to my homework-load la! In the meantime, pls keep my blog lively by tagging ya? thx!!