AH NOR N MI!!! *hey, i'm slow anymore =))* haha.
Oh, i had my first jogathon at yjc yesterday lo, so this is EAST COAST. (which i have absolutely no idea how to go). Not to forget, i woke up at 6AM in order to reach east coast at 7 30AM. I mean, COME ON, who e heck can reach east coast so early when i live in yck. Haha. So, as usual, I WAS LATE.
Anyway, nor nor and mi took diz photo while the prize presentation was goin on.

"And our champion for girls team is..... P16 (+ P21)"
Ivy, jesley, Ah nor, elizabeth, mi and eleanor. (left to right)
Haha. Okay, yesterday's jogathon was really horrid for mi, and i shall not mention why cuz those ppl who reads my blog should already know why. Haha. Anyway, i was feeling terrible after the run cuz i DID DARN BADLY. Though joseph did mention that my standard was good for a J1, but it wasn't good for mi!! Okay, i've made up my mind to go back to the old days, jog everyday!
When they were announcing the results for the group catagory, we were kinda disappointed already cuz it's ALL J2s la, so it came unexpectedly, lyk we get first. Hmm, all of us were lyk, R U SURE?? I tink it took kinda long to sink in cuz when it was announced, we din go up straight but we juz sat dere and think, izit us?? haha. SLOW.
So ya, things didn't turn out that bad after all. Though i suffered the after effects of straining myself, but i tink it was worth it =)

SKATES!! (mine, alex's, bird's and kenneth's)
Okay, though i dunno how to skate, but i wasn't the worse one dere la. Alex was worse. LUCKY!! Oh, and it's not even Alex, Joseph and his fren (mary or sth), are juz AS bad. Haha.. So, i fell down quite a number of times and it hurts sooooo bloody badly man.
It's like bad karma or something la, cuz initially when i never skate wif Alex, i only fell down once in 1 hour plus, and when i skated wif him, i fell 4 TIMES in 30 mins tt kind. GOSH. Haha.. And the first time i fell KENNETH JUZ STAND THERE AND WATCH MI FALL!! wth.. Lol, but he's like that one la, so cannot blame.
Okay, at keast i dun suffer any major injuries la.. Fell on my butt so it wasn't tt bad.
Didn't have much to talk about today, other than the fact that i'm desperately trying to shake off that premonition of impending death. I know u'll scold mi la, Joseph, but i keep feeling that way, how can i help it?? Haha. And this is the first time ever that i don't feel like goin holidays la, firstly cuz it's to a HOT country like thailand. But mainly cuz i dun wanna leave s'pore and be disconnected from all my friends over here.
But tickets are booked, cash has been exchanged, money has been converted, date has been set. There's no turning back now. If there's anything u all wan mi to help you buy, juz tell mi in my tag board, i'll try my best to find okay? Haha.
I'm havin muscle aches on my legs, my arms and my tummy (y tummy?? no idea, i dun jog using my tummy right??) lol.. Topping it off, i caught a cold and it's DARN irritating! Haha. Kinda worried that the custom won't let mi in, like perhaps they think that 'bird flu' really means FLU that kind. Haha.
Diz is my last entry for at least 6 days so ppl, MISS MI!! Cuz i'll be missing all of u =))