According to kaixiang, diz is called "happy memories".
4H gals: huifeng, eleanor and mi + ex 2H guys: john, zhanqing and kaixiang
SORRY GUYS, too bad i dun have a scanner AND my camera's cranky at the moment. If i dun use flash, it's gonna be DARN blur *tt explains the lighting*.
This is the FIRST time i'm glad that i'm in YJC cuz we had MONDAY off!! Whoo, means YJCians had a 4 day weekend. And so mi, hf, nor nor and the homo SR boy kx went to crash 118's class chalet.
I'm so freaking glad cuz my mum actually FINALLY allowed me to go to a chalet. But the bad news is, we all wasted half a day away and we only reached there at 5 plus. Hmm, i guess it was kinda dry when we first reached cuz everyone was SLEEPING. So, off we went for the usual BRIDGING class and woooh, i realised that kx and i have MOQI mans. But oh well, i dun tink anyone can compete with hf's and john's moqi *juz too bad that wilson wasn't dere cuz PERHAPS nor nor and wilson are... wat do u call that? "tian yi wu feng??"* hehs.
Next up was... FOOD. The thing is, i wasn't hungry that day and i really wonder why. But i guess i ate quite a lot. Oh ya, we all went for pizza *yummy*. And my DEAR fren NOR NOR scammed me, hmm, i cant really rmb wat she did, i tink she asked mi to go get a bottle of cheese? BUT THAT OUTLET ONLY HAS PACKETS OF CHEESE. Too bad, no one can trick the fast and intelligent SIMIN. Whahaha. But somehow, i do feel that without carol, i AM indeed kinda slow. I mean, in the past, i dun feel slow cuz dere'll always be someone to "HUH??" with mi. OH MAN, i miss the bimbo!
Ok, here comes the climax of the day. ARCADE!! *or was it neoprint??* Ok, arcade first. We all played that basketball ting and since dere's 3 gals and 3 guys, we all paired up. Hmm, i tink dey ALL dun wanna partner nor nor cuz SHE'S SLOWER THAN MI!! Haha *nor nor, u gotta admit it!*Anyway, it juz happens that john and hf really HAVE moqi and the HOMO kx and mi are not tt bad either SOOOO , zq keep ending up wif nor nor. *be it the apple, orange, pear OR 1,2,3 OR 7,8,9, HF AND JOHN are ALWAYS TGT. wtheck* Haha.
Wat else did we play? Hmm, we played a weird game that focus on reaction speed, concentration and definitely NOT slowness. I was wondering why dey wanted to play that in the first place cuz i AM freaking slow (NOT). But thankfully, i partnered with john and YAY!! we won! I tink john grew up in an arcade or sth.
There's one ting i really had to mention. That day was the first time we manage to persuade GUYS to take neoprint within 1 sec. Okay, i shouldn't even use 'PERSUADE', we merely suggested and dey JUMPed on the idea. I mean, kx was like "OKAY!!" that kind and zq and john were alright with it. Hmm, diz i dun understand, i thought guys dun like taking neoprints?? And the WEIRDEST of all is that dey LOOK better than us in the neoprints. WAT THE HECK. One must never ever take neoprints with transexual and homo kaixiang, nice fringe john and radiant skin zhanqing. I feel U.G.L.Y. LOL.
My dearest and sweetest dad fetched dem home. Hmm, not exactly home, but took dem all to khatib mrt station la and we ALL sat at the back of the lorry. *er, i mean mi, hf, nor nor and kx* Oh, another first time cuz i didn sit at the back of a lorry with my friends before and we sang and laughed all the way. I guess we all went home with sticky, dusty and DIRTY skin AND horrible hair. *ew ew, ruin my perfect reputation* geez.
A pity, mi and hf really had difficulty finding our way around. Hmm, i tink night blindness kills all fun cuz as u noe, i CANT multitask, so i had to concentrate on the road and I CANT concentrate on the conversation. Haha. Okay, that sounds really stupid. AND believe it or not, WILSON, we hardly ever made a joke abt oil on that day. *really really!!*
I'm too lazy to talk abt monday la, it wasn't very happening or fun or anything so... let's juz gif it a miss ya? And yes, TUESDAY, which is today, i'm supposed to be studying *in which i have absolutely no idea why i'm still bloggin* . So ya, i'm off to mug. Weekend's gonna be over and i tink zq and john are gonna die of suffocation by homework. Let's all gloat over their agony alright? WAHAHAHAHA.
Anyone up for mugging together this sat?