MANY MANY MANY MANY THANKS to dearest NOR NOR, sweetest SHUYUAN, buddy JOHN and partnetr KAIXIANG for giving mi such a sweet surprise by coming down at 12 am on the 11th juz to gimme a surprise.
*special credit to the logistics manager KAIXIANG who supplied all the hat, camera and glowing star AND NOR NOR for being the organiser AND BUDDY for coming up with the idea*
HAHA. oh yeah, not to forget HUIFENG who wanna come but cant and ZHAN QING (who's having handicap mouth) for their efforts in trying to keep mi awake for the surprise. haha
OHH MY OHH MY, it's really so so important to me that u guys cared =)))

Yups, so since i'm those type who cant go out at night, i've to SNEAK out in the middle of the night in order to meet them. Haha, that's us (behaving sneakily), using my dad's lorry as our mode of shelter to cut the cake.
OHH YEAH, i forgot to mention, in order to catch my attention frm the window, shuyuan was wearing that NDP lion hat and shaking her butt like some weird lady, but overall it was really funny. I mean, imagine some gal doing what seems like a tribal dance with a lion shinning on her head. (you get the picture, don't you???)
Not to forget mr kaixiang the partner who's waving the star and looking juz as gay as usual. haha!! juz kidding!

ROARRRRRR, mr lion (my my, what's that glowing thing in kaixiang's mouth???) HAHA. And that's shuyuan, she seems taller now don't she?? DEAREST nor nor!! Good thing that day, all the bad karma seems to have been washed away, or i bet i would've fell down or sth,

LOL, this is a nice photo if not for buddy's face that has been blocked. haha. Ohh, well, at least you can see the lion right? haha!! YAY!!

YUM YUM, don't they look like they're ENJOYING the cake? But hold on, looks can be VERY VERY deceiving, especially when it comes to eating cakes at the back of the lorry.

So................................... yeah. This is the APPARENTLY deeeee-licious cake.

ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!!! I cant take it anymore, let me reveal the TASTE of the cake. Ok, it taste like CREAM. It's like eating chocolate flavoured CREAM la. Haha, if u think it's tasty, then, errrr, try eating chocolate flavoured cream next time ya?
It's SOGGY from all the travelling and it's no longer cold and it's juz.... GROSSED. HAHA, but surprisingly, it's one of the loveliest cake i've ever tasted la. *chi zai zui li, tian zai xin li* LOL

YIPPEEEEE, tt's mi cutting the cake =))

And i guess this is the most rebellious thing i've ever done. After the mini celebration, they wanted to go eat prata at jln kayu. But it was already 1 30 am and theoretically, i wasn't even supposed to be out of the house at that time!! Haha, but since that's the last day i'm gonna be 16 years old, i guess it's ok to break the rule a little. Anyway, everything's gonna start anew on your birthday right??
Anyway, we went to jln kayu la and TA DA!! This is the photo we took there, and guess what? I reached home at 2 45 am la, and i've to SNEAK in like a thief. LOL.

YUMMY, that's my birthday cake!! Hazelnut Indulgent or sth like that la. hHAHA.

OKAY, SHUNUAN CAN REALLY SING WELL MAN!! That's the gal power! In fact, i think the gals sang better than the guys!!
ERRRRR, nor nor exclusive la.

Guys, there's no way u can win the girls!! That's the oldies singer jake and handicap mouth zhan qing. HAHA

Hmm, then we took a photo together. SMILE!!! I think it's kinda dark la, cant really see jake's face. Stupid us, should've on the lights.

I guess this is the best birthday i ever had, Partly cuz i had much more friends now who actually cared and my parents are beginning to bother more about their family than merely work.
Ohh well, i juz wanna thank those others like my classmates DANIEL (though the m & ms suck but the thought was there), JIAQUAN, FREDERICK, CASPER, KUOFUNG who were having a headache at northpoint over what to get for mi. AMY and the class for making the card and writting your well wishes there (though most of them are stuff like "stop banging into the wall/ don't scream out of the blue/Rodney wont be so lucky next yr", i still find the card a beauty). OHH yeah, and CHARLES for showing me how to play pool and the patrick
NOT TO FORGET GAB, hmm, it's not exactly the present that touched me. It's what happened last year that made this yr's b'day much much more special. Haha, still, i'll never forget all that's happen so don' cha dare to forget it too =))