Gosh, this place makes mount faber look like a dwarf and snow city like a fridge.
LUNCH !! This is where we ate our dinner yesterday. But this time round we have the rice with red sweet chilli and egg and vege etc, dunno wat it's called. And we even had the soup to go along ! Help, i'm in paradise. Haha.
Not only is it cold, the wind is strong too man.
That's the restaurant's name.
After lunch, we went to the hotel for hot spring. So, not much pics here.
Ohhhh man, the hot spring........ OHH MAN, everyone is stripped NAKED there la. I cant believe my sight man, loads of naked women bodies around. Haha. Okay, that's not the point.
Hmm, my experience of the hot spring..... i don't like it.
I mean, first it's WAY too hot that if u jump in immediately, u're gonna feel like a burnt sotong. (okay, i dunno how a burnt sotong feels) But the water is SCALDING hot la.
And after ten mins or so, u'll have to get out of the hot tub and jump into the cold one.
Ask mi how tt feels.
Tell u what (minus the embarrassment of walking to the cold tub) it still felt horrid. It's like needles poking through your skin and it's bloody pain ! Haha. My mum was saying "oh, that's good that's good !" Lol, at that point, i cant see the benefits of killing my cells like tt. I tink my cells are denatured from all that extreme change in Kelvins.
OHH let me introduce u to our beds !! It also called "ta ta me" !! Haha, guess wat, the floor is insulated by pipes. So it's really super warm and not uncomfortable at all !!
Refreshed from all the hot spring's "benefits". We're not using the excess energy to gamble ok. This is a mind bogging, intelligence testing card game.
Now, it's DINNER TIME ! This is the hotel lobby and as u can see, there's still a Christmas tree there. Apparently, the koreans have an ultra long Christmas? Or mayb Christmas mood ends when the snow melts? I dunno. Haha
SEAFOOD DINNER TONIGHT ! It looks good?? It's crap. Not nice at all. That's cuz we didnt order the special set, some of us ordered the special set and the pics are shown below.
I mean we're non-seafood lovers so why waste the money right? Damn, my cousin labelled us as second class. Basket.
Anyway, my mum ordered and the special set looks like this. U cant tell from the photos but the prawns are ALIVE. They're supposed to bite the prawns from the neck(do prawns have necks??) and kill them this way. yeah, as in eat the whole prawn except the head.
FINALE OF THE MEAL ! The stall keeper came in with this mini octopus held using a chopstick.
So stall keeper will come (octopus in one hand, scissors in the other) and grab hold of one of the tantacles, ask the customer to bite on to it and "snips" off it comes and u eat it raw. MIND YOU, the octopus is ALIVE while all this happens.
According to my mum, she tantacles actually applied a suction force on ur mouth. GROSS la.
IS the act of cruelty to marine creatures a responsibility of the SPCA?? I tink the koreans will be the first to be put behind bars. ( or mayb the japs?) But it's a gd experience, really.
*despite the shrieks from the ladies and the acting cool on the part of the man, the whole scene is really lively and COMICAL"
Haha, poor prawns, waiting to be sent to the gallows. =(
And i forgot to mention, the restaurant is located by the sea, smack right in front of the 38th parallel. I dun tink i can show u ppl the photo cuz it's quite a distance away from land and it's alright dark so u cant see it.
The guide told us that in the past, if you set off firecrackers in this place after 9pm, North Korea will response to it by sending missiles over. Haha, i find it damn funny leh. I mean, the paranoia.
Day 4
LUNCH, this lunch is to give us enough energy for SKI ING later !!! But guess wat, that pot of soup, it's practically made of salt. Inedible. So we ended up eating seaweed with rice.
YEAH ! All geared up and ready to go ! Dun we all look like pros??
Anyway, at the shop where we rent the ski outfit, there's this damn cute guy *swoons*